Intro: What No One Wants To Say.
February 10, 2024
Something I pride myself on is that I say that things that everyone thinks but nobody wants to say. A controversial opinion that may make you look like a bad person if it is taken the wrong way by a specific audience but everyone is secretly thinking it? I say it. A concept that no one agrees with but its politically correct or relevant or makes you seem like you read the news (the news via Instagram story, that is) so everyone just sits around and pulls a tight smile and says, yeah, for sure! but it’s very much not yeah for sure? I will say something. Probably along the lines of, wait, what? and then something that sounded more intellectual in my head but people get the gist of it when I verbalize.
It’s like how in that one part of Catcher in the Rye, Holden talks about his obsessive and adamant hatred for people who have shitty suitcases. Not saying that everyone secretly hates shitty suitcases nor am I advocating that people should be hated on for the quality of suitcase they can afford to travel with – trust. But everyone has something like that. Something dumb and relatively nondescript that makes you strangely irrationally angry. Everyone has an opinion somewhere up there in that little head of theirs that is extremely unpopular and you might get some disapproving looks for saying it out loud. As much as Holden is douche, don’t get me wrong, there is something charming about a person who unapologetically says the things we might all think but don’t consider to say out loud. Although its usually dickish or absurd or depressing or mean or racy or just generally terrifying to say – there is something sort of relieving when someone just comes out and says it. At least, then, we know we weren’t the only ones thinking it.
I’ve always been an I-don’t-care-what-people-think-I-have-my-opinions-and-I-will-always-speak-my-truth-because-at-the-end-of-the-day-I’m-right kind of girl. Or, at least I’d like to think so.
In reality, when it comes to speaking out, sometimes I don’t think to disagree with the absurd shit that people conjure up until after the fact. And it’s too late to say something. And too be completely honest, sometimes, I am too scared to open my mouth because maybe I’m just not knowledgable about something or I’m ignorant about something or I will be completely disagreed with about something and I will have to run away crying while everyone laughs at me and my stupidity or I am stared at with blank faces and jaws on the ground. Because I can’t believe she said that! I don’t particularly like being that girl.
But I do have one thing. I will always, and I mean always, write the things that no one wants to say.
And this, sorry to tell you, is mostly going to be that.
Welcome to my blog. Hope I don’t come across as a complete ass.